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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Duck Hunting Secrets

Duck Hunting Secrets


If only duck hunting were as simple as going out to a local slough and calling "here ducky, ducky, ducky"! Unfortunately, there is much more involved than that when it comes to bring our feathered friends close to our shotgun barrels. This article is meant to steer through the many options out there for being successful at duck hunting. In an attempt to separate the wheat from the chaff, here are the secrets that will ensure a duck hunting success next time you are in the blind.


Due to the time consuming nature of scouting it is often the thing that gets put aside first, but given the way that the environment a duck lives in is ever changing it really is a necessity. Simply put, a duck needs three things to survive and prosper: food, shelter and a place to rest. If you find a spot that has all three of these you are in for some great shooting! Often it is a bit harder than that, but the key is to remember that we must always keep these three things in mind while scouting. Due to the fact that hunting inherently removes a place from being a great resting spot for ducks (would you consider a place that you get shot at a restful place?), focusing on food source for ducks is the key here. Find duck butts and coot and you will find ducks is an age old adage that is spot on.


Once you have found that perfect out of the way spot that is loaded with duck food the key becomes hiding near it so as to get high quality shots. As an duck hunter can attest, ducks have keen eye sight that can bust a hunter in a split second if not properly hidden. Remember to always attempt to use the natural surrounding vegetation in your duck blind as this is the best way to appear a natural part of the landscape. If you can't completely hide yourself, remember that movement is often the key thing that ducks notice on the wing. Another great tip to conceal yourself is to use whatever shadows are provided by the surrounding habitat. There are nature's great camouflage and work great to keep the prying eyes of overhead ducks at bay.

Using these two duck hunting secrets is guaranteed to put more ducks in your bag next time you are out. It may take a bit more effort, but that effort is what separates the great duck hunters from the hunters that simply shoot ducks here and there. If you can perfect your scouting and concealment techniques you will become the envy of your fellow hunters and that will translate into more success in the field.

Duck Hunting Secrets

Goose Clothes

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Video Clips. Duration : 1.40 Mins.

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Courtesy: Fedor Potapov (0:00) Courtesy: SuperOlololololo (0:16) Courtesy: Andrey Korolev (0:36) Courtesy: mitslancer9 (1:02) Courtesy: Alexander Bulanov (1:16) WATCH OTHER VIDEOS OF METEORITE CRASH Meteorite explosions in the skies of Russia's Urals region has sparked panic in three major cities. Witnesses said that houses shuddered, windows were blown out and cellphones stopped working. FULL STORY AND PICTURES RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

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Turkey Season - 5 Handy Tips For Fall Turkey Hunting!


Hunting turkey in the fall can be one of the most rewarding times to hunt. With cooler temperatures to make walking comfortable, and a beautiful pallet of browns, golds, and yellows, fall is often a hunter's favorite time of year to spend some time outside. Many hunters like to try to bring home a fresh gobbler for the holiday season, but for the sake of safety, the best judgment needs to be maintained. There are some special safety tips specific to hunting turkey in the fall that every hunter should follow. A hunter must be sure that what is heard and seen is also identified. Many hunters have mastered the turkey call, so a hunter needs to be positive that what he's seeing is really gobbler. Some other tips to keep in mind:

- Dress the Part. Fall turkey hunting requires a slightly different pallet of camouflage colors than what spring season requires. Mimic your surroundings; look for camouflage in browns, yellows and golds. Be sure to avoid white, red, and blue though, as those are the colors associated with turkey. Being safe in the woods also includes protecting yourself from other careless hunters.

- Camouflage Everything. Many hunters often forget that everything they have on their person needs to be camouflaged. Not just clothing, but weapons too. Also try to think outside the box; even a bright flash of sock or undergarment can be bad news when an watchful bird sees it.

- Scatter with Caution. If you're lucky enough to get close enough to a flock of turkeys, be sure to take great care when scattering them. Never run with a loaded gun.

- Identify Yourself. While it's difficult to give up a great hunting location, if another hunter comes into your site, you need to let him know you're there. Don't under any circumstances wave your arms or make inaudible noises, a loud and distinct call is necessary.

- Watch the Decoys. Decoys can be a hunter's best aid when turkey hunting, but take care in their placement. Ensure that there are no other hunters in the line of fire and be sure you're not lined up with his decoys.

Fall turkey hunting can certainly be one of the best times to spend time in the woods, and the desire to bring home a gobbler for dinner is strong, but be sure to follow proper hunting safety to ensure a satisfying hunt.

Turkey Season - 5 Handy Tips For Fall Turkey Hunting!

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Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Video Clips. Duration : 1.40 Mins.

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Courtesy: Fedor Potapov (0:00) Courtesy: SuperOlololololo (0:16) Courtesy: Andrey Korolev (0:36) Courtesy: mitslancer9 (1:02) Courtesy: Alexander Bulanov (1:16) WATCH OTHER VIDEOS OF METEORITE CRASH Meteorite explosions in the skies of Russia's Urals region has sparked panic in three major cities. Witnesses said that houses shuddered, windows were blown out and cellphones stopped working. FULL STORY AND PICTURES RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

No URL Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Craigslist - Search Multiple Cities


Have you ever tried to search Craigslist through multiple cities? There is a small little search tool on the left of Craigslist's home page that looks quite promising. But when you try to search for anything through that box, you are going to be rather disappointed because it allows only for a very basic search. There is no way you can search across more than one category at a time and there is definitely no provision for a multi city search.

So what happens when you want to look for an item in ten different states? Craigslist cannot help you there. You are going to have to go through the classifieds of each of these states yourself by clicking on and viewing each and every post. That doesn't sound like too much fun now does it? Not to mention the amount of time it is going to take for you to do that.

Fortunately for us, there are a lot of software engineers hard at work somewhere around the globe and many of them have been considerate enough to come up with contraptions for searching the entire Craigslist website for postings at once. Searching multiple cities, which could have become quite a trying task, has actually been made simpler by these software guys. They have designed several tools that are available freely online for hardcore Craigslist fans. Thanks to them, all we really have to do is get one of these tools, set them up, customize them and then put them to work. Doing a multi city search on Craigslist has never before been possible!

Craigslist - Search Multiple Cities

Goose Clothes

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Video Clips. Duration : 1.40 Mins.

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Courtesy: Fedor Potapov (0:00) Courtesy: SuperOlololololo (0:16) Courtesy: Andrey Korolev (0:36) Courtesy: mitslancer9 (1:02) Courtesy: Alexander Bulanov (1:16) WATCH OTHER VIDEOS OF METEORITE CRASH Meteorite explosions in the skies of Russia's Urals region has sparked panic in three major cities. Witnesses said that houses shuddered, windows were blown out and cellphones stopped working. FULL STORY AND PICTURES RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

No URL Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Duck Hunting


Duck hunting is the practice of hunting ducks for food and sport. commercial hunting is mostly prohibited, and duck hunting is primarily an outdoor sporting activity.

Many types of ducks and geese share the same habitats and are hunted using the same methods. It is not uncommon to take several different species of waterfowl in the same outing.

Wild ducks have been hunted for food, down, and feathers worldwide since prehistoric times. Ducks, geese, and swans appear in European cave paintings from the last Ice Age, and murals in Ancient Egyptian tombs show men in hunting blinds capturing swimming ducks in a trap.

By the turn of the century, commercial hunting and loss of habitat lead to a decline in duck and goose populations in North America. The Lacey Act of 1900, which outlawed transport of poached game across state lines, and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, which prohibited the possession of migratory birds without permission (such as a hunting license), marked the dawn of the modern conservation movement.

In 1934 the US government passed the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act, better known as the Federal Duck Stamp Act. This program required hunters to purchase a special stamp, in addition to a regular hunting license. Revenues from the program provided the majority of funding for duck conservation for many decades and funded the purchase of 4.5 million acres of National Wildlife Refuge land for waterfowl habitat since the program's inception.

Duck hunting season is generally in the winter and fall. At this time of the year, the birds have finished raising their young and are migrating to warmer areas. There are three elements used by almost all duck hunters: a shotgun, a hunting blind, and decoys. The decoys are used to lure the birds within range, and the blind conceals the hunter. Once the birds are within range, the hunters stand up in the blind and shoot the birds before they are frightened off.

The most commonly used guns are 12 gauge shotguns. In many areas, buckshot and larger shot is illegal to use for taking migratory birds. Ten, 16, and 20 gauge shotguns are also used. Taking birds with a rifle is illegal due to the inherent danger of shooting long-range bullets into the air.

Duck hunting with lead shot, along with the use of lead sinkers in angling, has been identified as a major cause of lead poisoning in waterfowl, which often feed off the bottom of lakes and wetlands where lead shot collects. In the United States all shot used for ducks must not contain any lead. Steel is the cheapest alternative to lead but steel has a much less effective range than lead because of its lower density. 30 to 40 yards is considered the maximum effective range for duck hunting.

Although steel is the most used shot, many hunters do not like its shooting properties. Steel is less dense than lead, therefore, its effective range is decreased due to a faster decrease in velocity. Many companies have improved steel shot by increasing muzzle-velocity and making more consistent 'shot' or pellets. Within recent years, several companies have created 'heavier than lead' non-toxic shot out of Tungsten, Bismuth or other elements with a density similar or greater to lead. These shells have more consistent patterns and greater range than steel shot.

Originally, a duck call was a very simple woodwind instrument. It had a barrel, a sounding board and a reed. Hunters would grunt into the call while saying "hut", "quit" or "ut". With the improvement of calls and calling techniques the best callers are able to use no voice. The most prevalent and hunted duck in the United States, the mallard, makes the well known "quack" sound many associate with ducks. Other species make many different sounds, ranging from high-pitched whistles to very low, grunt-like quacks. There are calls for almost all species of ducks. Pintails, teal, wood ducks, diving ducks and other ducks including the calls of both the male, or drake and the female, or hen.

In many species, the call of the drake is different from that of the hen. Mallard drakes make a lower pitch, longer quack than the hen mallard. This call is often used while feeding and when a mallard drake is landing. The quack of a mallard drake requires voice and is replicated by humming into a special whistle-like call. This whistle is often called a 6-in-1 whistle, due to the fact that it can replicate six different duck species sounds.

In teal, the drakes make a call of short bursts of a high pitch whistle. The "teet! (pause) teet! (pause) teet!-teet!" or any other order of repetition. This call can be made by blowing short bursts of air into the "6-in-1" whistle.

The majority of duck sounds people have heard and are familiar with comes from females, or hen, mallards. Hen mallards are very vocal and this is probably why the number one call for duck hunting in North America is a hen mallard call.

There are numerous types of structures that qualify as duck blinds. Blinds can be temporary or permanent. They are very effective at concealing hunters and making their movements un-noticed. For hunting over water, the types of blinds are almost unlimited. Many of these permanent blinds look like a small shack with an opening that faces the water and a portion of the sky.

Often creating a temporary, natural blind as a method of concealment is a hunter's best bet. This is done by using native grasses or vegetation and natural material and simply hiding in a tree, clump of grass or a shrub. More sophisticated natural blinds may have large logs or branches leaned together or tied together using rope. Temporary blinds are common in protected and public areas where a permanent blind is not allowed. Temporary blinds can be very simple and usually require a three dimensional enclosure to conceal hunters from circling flocks.

With the growing popularity of boats in duck hunting, many have chosen to use boat blinds. Boat blinds are used to conceal a hunter when hunting out of a boat.

Duck season takes place in the fall and winter where the weather can be harsh. Waterproof clothing is critical to duck hunting. Most duck hunters hunt over water, and they stand in water or in a boat. In order to stand in the water and stay dry the hunter must wear waders. Waders are waterproof pants that have attached boots and are completely waterproof. Typical waders are chest high, but waist high and knee high waders are sometimes used in shallow water. Duck hunting can be a very cold sport and the hunter must be well insulated from the cold. Ducks also have great vision which requires the hunters clothing to be well camouflaged.

Duck hunters often use a dog to retrieve downed birds. Most often hunters use retrievers, and sometimes spaniels. The use of a dog provides a number of advantages. As duck hunting often takes place in cold wet locations, the use of a dog frees the hunter from having to wade into cold water to retrieve the bird. This can be dangerous for the hunter, but is managed by a trained dog easily. It also allows for the recovery of wounded birds that might otherwise escape.

Duck hunting is highly regulated. Hunters are required to obtain a hunting license and face limits on the number of birds that can be taken in a day (bag limits) and the total number of birds a hunter can possess (possession limits).

In the United States, hunters must also purchase a federal duck stamp and often a state stamp. It is illegal to shoot ducks from a motor vehicle, a moving boat, or to shoot sitting or swimming ducks. Many practices that were once common in commercial duck hunting before the turn of the century are now prohibited. In most areas, shotguns that can hold more than two or three shells must be modified to reduce their magazine size. Legal hunting is done "in-season" only. It is also considered good sportsmanship to make every attempt to retrieve dead or injured waterfowl the hunter has shot.

Many states require hunters, including duck hunters, to complete hunter safety courses before they can obtain a license.

Duck Hunting

Goose Clothes

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Video Clips. Duration : 1.40 Mins.

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Courtesy: Fedor Potapov (0:00) Courtesy: SuperOlololololo (0:16) Courtesy: Andrey Korolev (0:36) Courtesy: mitslancer9 (1:02) Courtesy: Alexander Bulanov (1:16) WATCH OTHER VIDEOS OF METEORITE CRASH Meteorite explosions in the skies of Russia's Urals region has sparked panic in three major cities. Witnesses said that houses shuddered, windows were blown out and cellphones stopped working. FULL STORY AND PICTURES RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

No URL Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteor explosion that stirred panic in Urals region


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