Canada Goose Youth Freestyle Vest

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Duck Hunting For Beginners

Duck Hunting For Beginners

So you want to become part of the time-honored tradition of duck hunting? If you're seeking to join the ranks of camouflage-clad sportsMen who awake in the middle of the night to go hide in waterside reeds waiting for the perfect shot, you're going to need to learn a few things first. Remember, not everybody has what it takes to be a duck hunter.

First, do some research. Use all the tools at your fingertips. Look around on the Internet and read some magazines. Ultimately, you need to determine if duck hunting is something you really want to embrace. If the answer is yes, your next step is to get yourself educated. You don't want to go out into the field with your shiny new shotgun, disrupting others sport and basically being a nuisance. You're going to need to find a Mentor.

A Mentor can be the person that first got you interested in duck hunting, someone you meet through connections online, or a fellow hunter from a local hunters association. Your mentor needs to be someone who knows all the ins and outs of duck hunting. This person can show you around, point out some good hunting locations, give you tips, and hopefully take you on hunting trips. In the end, your mentor will be the one to point you in the right direction when it comes to getting started in the field.

After you acquire your basic knowledge of duck hunting, you're going to need the proper equipment. Everyone will have their own ideas about what works best for them, of course, but to get started it is best that you listen to those in the know. Don't rely on the clerk at your local sporting goods store; they will more than likely just try to sell you the highest priced equipment possible. Once again, your mentor or other duck hunters would be the best voices to listen to. Consider their recommendations and do some shopping around. After deciding what works best for you, the only way to truly learn is to try it. Your first hunting trip will no doubt involve you finding out what equipment you like and what you don't.

As you take those first baby steps into duck hunting, you're going to find out quickly what methods you prefer when it comes to bagging ducks. Some hunters rely heavily on duck calls, and swear by them. There are many different types of duck calls. Some are purchased at stores or through catalogs, some are carved by hand, and others are created by the hunters themselves-with only their vocal chords. Although it will ultimately be up to you to figure out what works best for you, the safest bet is to first start with a duck call purchased at a store or through a catalog. As always, consult with your mentor before making a purchase.

Another popular tool of the duck hunting trade is the duck decoy. Decoys are floating, plastic ducks painted to strongly resemble various species. Ducks, like all other birds, have very keen eyesight and are not easily fooled. It is for this reason that if you are going to use decoys, they need to be very accurate in their detail and need to be placed correctly. As a prey species, ducks will shy away from anything that makes them feel uncomfortable. Before making any decisions about decoys, talk to your mentor. You want to make sure you get the correct species and the most accurate-looking decoys you can. Your mentor can also advise you about placement and how to correctly use your decoys.

All in all, those looking to get into duck hunting are in for a wild ride. Most of us take hunting for granted. After all, how hard can it be to kill a stupid bird? It's not so easy, as you will find. With a little patience and education, though, you'll be a master duck hunter in no time. I wish you the best of luck on many duck hunting adventures to come!

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